The care of energy consumption is an important pillar in all plants. It is the best way to optimize production and manufacturing processes using the same or less amount of energy to generate more goods and services.

1. Heating

The heating process represents more than a third of the energy consumption in the manufacturing sector, so any savings in this area will surely cause a big impact. Your facility can benefit from the monitoring and control of your exhaust gases and air-fuel ratios, heat transfer improvements and waste heat recovery technology.

2. Engines and equipment:

The performance of the machines represents more than 22% of the final energy consumption in the production sector. By analyzing shaft and system losses and after upgrading to more efficient systems, you can significantly reduce your total operating costs.

3. Lighting

Lighting options that save energy include natural light through skylights, high-efficiency fluorescent lamps and light bulbs, and LED lighting. You do not have to change the entire infrastructure, you can now find retrofit kits that will help you in your work.

4. Utilities

Review your current usage plan with your public service provider and contact them to see if they can offer procurement alternatives or demand management plans that could save you money. Many companies offer benefits and incentives for the installation of improvements. energy saving.

5. Employees

Keep your employees informed about your energy efficiency goals and progress and recognize their role in supporting these initiatives. Different studies show that improvements in energy efficiency usually make workers more productive.

When planning an energy efficiency program for your manufacturing plant, first look for low-cost or no-cost opportunities. Then, as your operating costs decrease, start investing in an improved energy infrastructure, such as a solar energy system.

How to save energy in an industrial plant?

The family of Concyssa Industrial celebrated its fourth year in the market, in the company of all its employees, who are committed to continue contributing to the success and growth of the company.

On October 11, Concyssa Industrial celebrated its fourth anniversary.
Operators, administrative staff, area managers and other collaborating employees met in the facilities of a modern restaurant to be part of a family lunch, where affection and commitment were present.

The ceremony was opened by Martha Bedregal, general manager of
Concyssa Industrial, whose words reiterated the profound gratitude towards each of those who contribute to the growth of the organization. Also, a series of awards, contests and leisure activities accompanied the event.

Joy characterized the celebration and a fellowship atmosphere was experienced during lunch and the after party. Concyssa Industrial will continue to work hard to continue bringing quality products to one of its customers and provide its employees with a good working environment where professional and human development is assured

We celebrate our IV Anniversary together with our collaborators